North Cyprus Culture
Amongst the many delights of North Cyprus are the cultural differences. The northern Cypriots are genuinely very friendly and helpful. Their language, although Turkish, is of the Cypriot variety. Many of their customs are from a mix of the cultures which have swept through the island over the centuries. Although Cypriots are Muslim, their religion is important to them but they don’t feel the need to necessarily visit a mosque on a regular basis. ‘My religion is inside me’ is a regular comment.

Welcoming People
Cypriots will not feel offended if visitors don’t necessarily understand basic rituals on visiting someone's house for example, but you will gain more respect by having made some effort. When meeting someone it’s usual to shake hands, smile and look them in the eye then later say a separate goodbye to each guest. Remove shoes before entering a house or mosque as people used to sit on carpets on the floor. Take a small gift of cakes or sweets and, if flowers, don’t take funeral lilies. On a brief visit you may be offered tea or coffee and offered ‘macun’, preserved fruit. If someone suggests reading coffee grains at the bottom of your coffee cup, turn the cup upside down onto the saucer to be read. Tavli, like backgammon, is the usual game played in coffee houses.

Weddings in North Cyprus are mammoth family events. Aunts, uncles and cousins and cousins join in the wedding preparations to ensure that the couple have the best day possible. The extended family usually provides the couple with a furnished place in which to live. The house or apartment is usually provided by the groom's family undertakes the interior decoration, furnishings and electrical appliances. This tradition in Cyprus enables a young couple to enter married life without any major worries. Parents are frequent visitors at their children's homes and usually continue to provide financial and emotional support.

Work Art
The blue eye (nazar boncuk), seen hanging in doorways, on clothes, in cars and jewellery is to ward off evil looks and spirits. Handicrafts include Lefkosa lace work, from the Venetians era, for bedspreads and tablecloths etc. Weave a wicker basket with bamboo or knit (weave) a wicket tray ‘sesta’ from dyed straw, reeds and grasses, easily confused terms but articles from either make a great gift. Good buys are Kilims, small colourful rugs, silk pictures and brooches. Festivals are also ideal times to try Turkish Cypriot food. Its mix of Mediterranean, Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisine dishes and take-away conjures up a whole new meaning.

Museums and art galleries are good places to gain an insight to a culture as are local festivals. Festivals are ideal events to enjoy real local culture first hand. Folk dancing depicting the story of everyday life, the girls more sedate than the boys showing off their skills.From The beginning of establishment of northern cyprus folk dancing has been performed by locals, municipalities, states as an important symbol of our national culture, identity, and history.