How to go about re-newing your
student permit

In Northern Cyprus all international students must renew their student permits every year.
You can only obtain your permit once you arrive on the island and you have registered for the school year. Once you have resgistered the school will give you a student name which you will use as your username in the Student Permission Portal. The school will also give you a password. Be sure to remember this information as you will need it for the duration of your studies.
Once you login the entire re-newal process will be highlighted in the portal.
1. You will need to pay a fee to get the process started. Payments can only be made with local bank accounts. If you do not have one you may need to use someone else’s and reimburse them.
2. After the initial payment, depending on where your school is located, you will be assigned to a hospital near your school for your medical tests. These tests include a blood test for HIV & Aids, as well as a test for turberculosis. You will need to make thwo visits to this hospital. First one for the test, the second for your results. Once processed your results will be uploaded to the permission portal automatically. Carry your passport with you for all medical appointments.
3. One last payment is required, for student taxes.
Once you have completed all three your permit is ready and will be valid for that year from the 30th of September to the 30th of September.
Should you forget to re-new your payment for the year you will not be able to re-new it for the following year until the test for the previous year have been done.
Be sure to re-new your permit annually.