
With so many great international destinations it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused by all the options. We give reasons why you seriously consider Northern Cyprus.
It's Affordable
North Cyprus is considered on of the most afforbale places to live as a student in the mediterranean region.
It's Friendly
The island is multicultural. Meaning there is always a friendly face to help you get around.
it's beautiful
Imagine walking to the beach after a long day of classes. Taking in the warm sea breeze and warm air after a busy day. Nothing beats that feeling!
It's safe
North Cyprus is low crime and generally safe. So you never have to worry about losing valuables and your important goods.
choosing the right school for you!
We have something for everyone. There are numerous university options for you to explore,

“Put your Future First!”

We take a look at university applications and how to work around them. Wheteher you choose to use an agent or do it yourself, we’re here to help.
Getting Started
Now that you’ve selected your dream school you need to start the process to get here. We provide you with everythong you need to get started.

We provide an easy to follow step-by-step guide on the transit visa and what you will most likely need to start a smooth process.

So you’ve chosen your school, you have your visa and you’re all set to travel. Go through our quick check-list to make sure you have everything you need.
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